
kindred Souls United has been created to really help the people of our community in all ways possible. Our Thrift Store will be the hub of our Community Aid Center. The Thrift Store will be available for all people in the community who need a helping had in times of need. We want the community to be able to get nice things at very low prices and this is where our community, friends and family play a part. We will rely on donations from you to help keep this going. Things that you no longer need or use can be of great help to those in need. Below is a list of items we would like to make available to the community and others. The money made through our thrift store will go directly into the free programs that we will be offering. We will be taking donations for the Thrift Store but also donations for supplies for classes and workshops offered so we can provide free or low cost classes to the community. I want to thank everyone in advance for their help with this mission and together we can have a great community for our kids and families to thrive! Please contact me if you have more questions (910)389-4808 call or text.

Please donate items clean and in good condition.

Clothing, men women and children, shoes, coats, household items, decorations, comforters, sheets, pillows, rugs, kitchen appliances, dishes, bakeware, cups, mugs, glasses, children's clothing, infant clothing, infant items, phone and phone accessories, computer, tablets, gaming equipment, books, crafts, curtains, blinds, lamps, gardening supplies, sports equipment, toys, pet toys, pet beds, pet supplies, medical equipment. We do not have room for large furniture donations but please contact us as we may have people on the list who are in need.

© Kindred Souls United, Designer Patricia Haidar  copyright 2023
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